G'haizea Tia

— Seeker of Truth —

NAME: G'haizea Tia | [guy-zay-ah - like the name Isaiah]
ALIAS: Haize | [haze - like mist]
AGE: Early - Mid 20s
NAMEDAY: 8th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon [8th May]
CLASS / JOB : Antiquarian [ACN]
OCCUPATION: Chocobo Breeder, Archon
PRONOUNS: Any [primarily he/him]
Voice Claim (JPN) - Hikaru Midorikawa
Voice Claim (EN) - Aaron Taylor-Johnson (CW: James Corden. Sorry.)

G'haizea Tia

— Personality —


An aristocrat, Haize is well-mannered and polite... or at least has the capacity to be. There are times when Haize can be rather dismissive but in general this silver-tongued Seeker is charismatic and usually well meaning.With an incredible appetite for learning and a larger than average pool of anima, Haize is considered a savant when it comes to spell craft - having joined the Faculty of the Arcane upon entering the Studium - and is a master of the three modern Disciplines of Magic; Conjury, Thaumaturgy & Arcanima, with a heavy preference towards the latter.He recently earned the title of Archon in the field of History, specialising in the War of the Magi as elaborated on in his thesis 'Aether Batteries: How & Why The Civilizations of Mhach & Amdapor Utilised Soulkin & Voidsent in Times of Sparse Anima.', and now spends the majority of his time aiding friends & colleagues alike in their endeavours.

G'haizea Tia

— Hooks —

— Gillionaire —
With a heritage that traces back to one of the lead scientists who monoplised the Aethernet system, Haize's family receives a very small percentage of royalties from every Aetheryte fee - totaling up to no small amount of Gil.
— Chocobo Breeding —
Haize owns & manages a successful Chocobo Breeding company with healthy Chocobos, renting stable space across many stables in Eorzea. Though he doesn't exactly rival Ishgard's Chocobo industry, mayhaps you are looking to purchase a Chocobo? Are you someone he rents stable space from?
— Aetherology & History Student —
Haize’s studies from the Studium involve Aetherology, Paleoclimatology & History - namely the War of the Magi. He’s very passionate about these subjects. You could do worse than to seek him out for any questions you may have.
— Archmage —
Do you need a skilled conjurer to tend to your wound, or maybe assistance in slaying a formidable beast via the use of powerful offensive magicks? Haize will lend his skills, if the price is right. Possibly even for free, if your mark is intriguing enough.

— Inventory —

A list of items, trinkets & other important things that Haize currently has on hand. These can be used for conversation starters or plot ideas.

G'haizea Tia

— Rules —

No ERP. This is not something I am interested in exploring.Please no minors.No permanent harm - without my permission, at least.No lore-breaking. Lore bending is fine.IC =/= OOC. Haize's thoughts and actions do not reflect my own. If at any point you are uncomfortable with how he is being portrayed, please let me know! I do not want to offend or upset anyone.RP Tag - IC. WUTs without my RP tag active will not be responded to, though I am unlikely to outright ignore you. If you'd like to RP, please send me a tell!Thank you!

— Out of Character —

Hey there! I'm Luca. Thank you so much for reading my carrd!I have a huge passion for XIV & it's lore. I'm a big lore nerd - but I'm not strict to the lore & don't mind lorebending!My timezone is GMT / BST (UTC +0 / +1). I'm aware that's a bitch on a US server. This means I'm most often free to RP on weekends when my schedule allows later nights.

G'haizea Tia

— Contacts —

Maker's Mark

— Free Company —

What was originally nothing more than a Chocobo porting contract, Haize has since found the halls of Maker's Mark to be filled with fine folk & friends alike. If Haize is not in Sharlayan, he can most likely be found assisting Maker's Mark with many an endeavor.

Nox Tyaka

— Boyfriend —

Though at first glance it may seem like these two are mortal enemies,the banter between these Seekers is all in good fun. Nox always keeps Haize's life full of excitement (and stress), their relationship eventually maturing into what it is today. That being; boyfriends who bicker like an old married couple.

Pyrrha Rosamond

— Girlfriend —

Haize's first true friend - and what a friend she was. Over the years, their relationship has slowly developed into something concrete. Pyrrha is currently playing the role of student, as Haize is teaching her what he knows of Arcanima. Pyrrha is one of few who gets to experience Haize's softer side.

R'oa Metellus

— Friend / Colleague —

Another from Maker's Mark, Haize has a soft-spot for R'oa though at first found him to be rather skittish and docile. The little flame soon warmed up to Haize, though the two to sometimes butt heads. It is clear that Haize & R'oa have vastly different viewpoints, with passion and stubbornness besides.

Castle Stoneforge

— Friend / Colleague —

Guildmaster of Maker's Mark and Haize's 'boss'. Haize greatly admires Castle's patience and wisdom. Truthfully, Haize isn't as worldly as he makes out to be. During their Geomancy studies at the Swallows Compass, Haize would have struggled with the discipline had Castle not been there beside him.

Khashii Moks

— Adversary —

Haize is terrified of Khashii and for good reason - he nearly died at her hands. In the wake of the final days, however, the two managed to put their differences aside and work together in what would be a full-circle moment in regards to their history. Since, though they can certainly not be described as friends, there is a mutual respect for one another.